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LLM Parameters Community Rating
Claude 3.5 Sonnet - 91
gemma-2b 2B 30
gemma-7b 7B 40
Gemini 1.5 Pro - 75
Gemini 1.5 Flash - 67
Gemini 1.0 Pro - -
Gemini 1.0 Pro Vision - -
Codestral 22B -
Mistral Large - -
Mistral Medium - -
Mistral Small - -
Mixtral 8x22B 39B -
Mixtral 8x7B 12B -
Mistral 7B - -
Claude 3 Opus - -
Claude 3 Sonnet - -
Claude 3 Haiku - -
Claude 2.1 - -
Claude 2.0 - -
Claude Instant - -
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